Book Review- A Game of Trust by A.M. Tufe

Book Review- A Game of Trust by A.M. Tufe

"Life is tough, just for us to be tougher. In the end, we will see glory."

Okay ya'll, this isn't a promotional post hehe but this book was written by my Bookstagram friend. I've also mentioned her account in my 'What is a Bookstagram?' post if you want to check it out. I also talk about how my bookstagram friends are better than my real life friends in that post hehe.

Also, happy birthday queen💗 I love youu xx

Anyway, one random day I logged into my account and she said, 'I am writing a book! I had been thinking about it for a long time and the day has finally come. I have the whole story planned out in my head.'

Honestly? Same sis but I still haven't gotten the courage to write it lol. Like I have been wanting to write a book for so long, but am really not sure what I want to write about and don't feel like my writing is good enough so I gotta work on it a little. Until then, I am sticking to writing my blog posts hehe.

One day you guys will def see me announce it though. Not today, but one day.

Moving on, she had asked me if I would beta read for her and I of course agreed. But (girl if you're reading this, please forgive me) even though I wanted to help her out and read her book, I was also afraid because I am someone who's super honest with my stuff and I didn't want to give her a made up review if I ended up not liking it and I was also like, 'what if I tell her I don't like some stuff and she gets pissed off?' Because I have had that happen before and that's why I avoid writing reviews for the people I know. But thankfully, I didn't need to do all that because this book was great except the minor stuff (it was the raw manuscript anyway) and I told her all of that. She never got offended and took everyone's opinions and thoughts like a champ. I absolutely loved that! Oh, and I irritated tf outta her about the ending. I cannot reveal anything but just know that I didn't expect it and asked her to write my version instead and she told me to fuck off😢

I honestly couldn't believe this was her first book which wasn't even properly edited yet. Like her writing style was so good yet so easy to read. There were only a few minor spelling errors and that's it. Like how can your first draft be so good? I have beta read and edited so many books but have never found a manuscript that required so little changes. The ones I always get (I shouldn't be saying this but 🤷) have the worst manuscripts that need a shit ton of editing. I recently had to go for 6 rounds of editing for someone and felt like crying. I was so tired of reading the same story again and again.

All you writers out there, I know you pay the editors but please try to fix as much stuff as you can! I know some people write only the basic and then expect the editor to make big changes but it's a complete pain in the ass. Like at this point, I would rather write my own book lol.

Moving on, I loved this story! I started reading it and then I didn't want to stop. The opening paragraph itself was great. I absolutely loved the characters, but it was more of a love hate relationship lol. One minute I was like he's my favourite and then the next I was like no FU and like two chapters later I was like I actually love them lol.

Title: A Game of Trust

Author: A.M. Tufe

Genre: Dark Dystopian Romance

Length: 498 pages

Publication Date: May 26, 2024

Buy it on Amazon: A Game of Trust by A.M. Tufe


What happens when the person you love the most in this entire world turns his back on everyone, leaving you alone, empty and starving?

For Belle, the answer was simple. She would fight, she would grow, she would stay alive until the day they will meet again. Yet, the girl learned the horrors of the outside world when she least expected it, and that's when she saw the painful truth: power comes with a price. And sometimes, making a deal with the devil is a necessary evil.

But the day finally comes, and they are face to face once more.

Will they survive the mad reality or drown in life's wicked lies?

Only one thing is certain:

They are all stuck in A Game of Trust.



  • Chosen Family
  • Friends to Strangers
  • Why Choose
  • Bodyguard Romance
  • Found Family
  • Part street life/part mafia
  • Strong yet Damaged FMC
  • A new continent full of criminals


"I never stopped loving you, even when I dreamed about killing you."

Belle was the FMC. She was absolutely hilarious and also a bad ass bitch. I loved her and her brother so much! Her brother, Brian aka Bri was literally the best brother ever. Their sibling bond was so strong and it made me so happy! They were each other's everything and were ready to kill and die for the other. Ever since childhood, Bri had protected Belle and did everything he could do to keep her out of harms way and if that's not a perfect brother then I don't know who is.

Ex was Brian's childhood best friend so of course he was Belle's friend too. The trio had been together since they were kids and once they grew up, Belle started getting attracted to him, as did he with her but he was a typical playboy and I think that's the reason I didn't like him that much. Though when they had their moments and the little things he said to her, made me like him, I couldn't exactly fall in love with him because Miss Tufe is a queen of plot twists and introduced the twins and I ended up falling for those two when I thought it wasn't even possible lol.

They were HOT af and Rhune was an absolute dream boy. He read books with Belle and treated her so much better than Ex ever did. Like bro can I have him please? His brother, Daemon was good, but to me Rhune was a lil softy and I loved him so much. The being with more than one person usually bothers me so when I realized it was gonna be that, I didn't know what to think about it. And boy was it HOT. I loved the twins and Belle together and I was like just end the book here and get these three married lmao.

But I absolutely loved how Ana described all the scenes that involved the three of them. They were so beautifully described that I could actually visualize them (not only the smut;) but other scenes too). This just made me want two guys but I CAN'T EVEN GET ONE. How am I supposed to find two of them?

Okay, I gotta stop ranting about the twins otherwise I might also end up blurting out spoilers hehe. Moving on with the gang, we have Dust, another one of my favourites. He is a whole ass mood, he was smoking blunt the whole time and just going with the flow. He was hilarious af. I loved him!

And lastly, we have Mixie from the gang. She was such a great friend. She always cared for everyone and I think when she gave a piece of mind to Belle when it was required, I was like, 'why are you being a bitch?' But then later realized that she was actually right. I would've felt the same way that she did if I was in her place.

Apart from the gang, there's someone else that I absolutely adored. It was Rha. I loved her so much and absolutely loved the way she protected Belle and was always there for her.

I don't know what else to write without spoiling anything for y'all so I'm gonna try to make it short and simple hehe.

The book is filled with twists and turns, out of which half of them left me shook. A lot of stuff might not make sense to you right now because there's a second book in the series and it will be revealed in it. See, this is why it's a good thing to work with authors. Ana explained half of it to me–spoiler free of course–but now a lot of stuff that happened makes sense to me hehe.

I cannot wait to read book 2 in the series!

Anyway, I forgot most of the tropes and didn't expect half of the stuff that happened. I literally did not see the ending coming and I ended up crying my eyes out at 2 AM, filling Ana's DM's with like 20+ messages cussing her out lmao. Hopefully she doesn't mess me up in the second book but I know she's planning a lot of twists and turns in that book as well that she isn't telling me about but yeah, I know I am going to be crying in that one too lol.

Overall, I loved the story and definitely recommend reading it! The cover is absolutely gorgeous with Rha on it!

Let me know your thoughts if you end up reading the book! If you have any questions or want to share your thoughts on something, send me a message and I'll share it with the author. You can also directly send her a message on her Instagram page, @amtufeauthor, if you want to talk to her or give her your opinions or thoughts but please be kind<3

Until next time x

See y'all soon with a new post!💜