Book Review- All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

Book Review- All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

"If you only shine light on your flaws, all your perfects will dim."

Trigger Warning: Deals with infertility and miscarriage, read at your own risk. I've seen a lot of people dealing with infertility say that this book helped them feel like they weren't alone and it also gave them hope about better times ahead, but some people also said that it was too much for them and left the book half way because it reminded them of their painful moments.

Even though this book is a standalone, there's a novella after this called Finding Perfect which is like an extended epilogue of Hopeless, Losing Hope, Finding Cinderella and All your perfects. If you want to read the novella then I would recommend reading these books in the order.

Title: All Your Perfects
Author: Colleen Hoover
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Length: 305 pages
Published Date: July 17, 2018
Buy it on Amazon: All Your Perfects(Affiliate link)


Quinn and Graham’s perfect love is threatened by their imperfect marriage. The memories, mistakes, and secrets that they have built up over the years are now tearing them apart. The one thing that could save them might also be the very thing that pushes their marriage beyond the point of repair.

All Your Perfects is a profound novel about a damaged couple whose potential future hinges on promises made in the past. This is a heartbreaking page-turner that asks: Can a resounding love with a perfect beginning survive a lifetime between two imperfect people?

  • Marriage in trouble
  • Second chance romance
  • Loss and grief

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"When you meet someone who is good for you, they won't fill you with insecurities by focusing on your flaws. They'll fill you with inspiration, because they'll focus on all the best parts of you."

All Your Perfects is a heartbreakingly beautiful second chance romance. I love how Graham and Quinn met in such a bizarre situation but ended up falling in love with each other. In a way they kept finding beautiful moments with each other even when they were in pain or were going through difficult times. You can feel a connection between them from the very first page and it's absolutely beautiful.

This book gave me all the right feels😍😍It mostly stabbed me in the heart and made me cry but it also made me smile so much.

This story shows how one thing can completely ruin your relationship, but if you're strong and love each other enough, you can make everything right again. I loved how no matter what, Graham and Quinn still had so much love for each other and were able to forgive each other to give their relationship another chance.

The chapters alternate between 'then' and 'now'. You get to see their happy times, how they fell in love and then them struggling with the problems life gave them, and then how they got over them. I usually don't like the alternate timeline format but I liked it in this book.

"People can't always control who their circumstances turn them into."

This book literally describes the pain and struggles of the people suffering through infertility issues and if you are one of them, I just want to say that I love you and you will be okay. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but one day you will be okay. I have some relatives that have gone through it and it's so hard but they've crossed that bridge now and even though they might still be in pain, they have found a way to cope up with it.

I know people keep saying this but just believe in god. It's all a part of his plan. I didn't believe in god up until 2020, but when I experienced unbelievable miracles every day, I started to believe in him. We are humans and even if we do believe in god, we sometimes tend to compare our life with others and end up crying, but we do need to remember that everyone is on their own journey, and we cannot keep comparing ourselves to others.

I understand what I went through was supposed to happen to make me who I am today, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to achieve whatever I have today. And yes, sometimes I still cry when I think about it but most of the time I understand. So never lose hope, if he took one thing from you, he'll give you something much better than that💖

This was my second time reading this book after like 4 years and I still kind of remembered everything but I still couldn't stop reading it. I was a lil sick and was supposed to sleep early but I ended staying up till 5am to finish reading this book lol.

This might be a lil spoiler, so if you don't want to read it, please skip this paragraph.

I have always been against cheating and it's something that I can never handle. So when Graham cheated on Quinn I got so pissed, even though it was just a kiss. It's still cheating. I literally had to put the book down for a while because I was too pissed and sad to continue reading it. Like why would you do that man? I get that you and your wife are going through a hard time and you aren't getting enough attention from her. It still doesn't give you the right to cheat on her. He stopped before things could go further but I was still pissed. I used to love him before but after this part I got a little pissed at him. Even Quinn. I mean I know I can never understand what she was going through but I wish she was a little less stubborn. I guess this was the only part of the story that irked me.

Also, All Your Perfects has a novella called Finding Perfect which is told in Daniel's (Holder's best friend from Hopeless and Losing Hope and also the main character from Finding Cinderella) point of view and involves all the characters from the Hopeless series. Though Hopeless, Losing Hope, Finding Cinderella and All Your Perfects can be read as standalones, Finding Perfect cannot be read as a standalone because it's like an extended epilogue for all these characters.

I won't be saying much about this story since I don't wanna give out any spoilers, but it's a pretty short story with only 128 pages. I finished reading it in like 2 hours and absolutely loved it. This story was like a closure and a new beginning for Six, Daniel, Quinn and Graham. I wish this novella was a little longer so we could get to see the two couples a lil more👀

I definitely recommend reading Finding Cinderella, All Your Perfects and Finding Perfect in the order. You will love it💘But you also gotta be ready for an emotional Roller Coaster.

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