My First Post-Introduction

My First Post-Introduction

Hey ya'll!

I hope you're doing good.

Bare with me as I learn how to blog lmao. I'm probably gonna be posting a lot of random stuff here.

I had been wanting to start a blog for a very long time but couldn't figure it out. Thanks to my brother for helping me out with it, I'm finally starting my blogging journey and I hope you join me for this ride.

A few years back, I wasn't sure if blogging was for me but ever since I started writing stories, I realized I write a lot and cannot stop writing once I start. I always end up crossing the word limit, so I'm pretty sure I'm going to be posting huge ass rants here. I decided to mainly focus on posting book, movie and show reviews, occasional recipes and hopefully my travel life which has pretty much been non-existent for the past 4 years but one can still hope, right?

Once I started writing, I realized I also wanted to talk and rant about a lot more stuff. I've been through so much shit in the past 4 years, but I've learnt so much from it and now I look at life in a very different way. I hope one of these days my posts end up helping someone💖

Oh, and I also post book reviews and recipes on Instagram. You can click the link if you want to check out my posts or connect with me there,

I'm always up to make new friends, collaborate and promote accounts or any products.

I used to be awful at baking but I was craving a cake during the lockdown and decided to bake one myself since I couldn't go out. It turned out to be delicious af and I haven't stopped cooking or baking ever since.

I find recipes online and try them out. If they taste good, I post the recipes and tag the creator on my Instagram page so people don't need to surf around looking for good ones. If you want some recipe ideas, you can check out my Insta page.

Okay, back to the introduction.

Nobody really calls me by my full name so I'm just gonna be using my nickname here.

My full name is too difficult and people never get it right anyway🤷

This is me on my 19th birthday, happy af and on my way to have my first legal drink😌

You all can call me Prav.

I am a 23 year old who should've graduated uni by now but my life sucks and I'm currently on a break. I'm praying that I get to graduate from the same uni but I honestly don't know anymore lol.

I'm pursuing an English and Creative Writing degree from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. If it's in my destiny, I'll hopefully graduate soon. If not, imma be a dropout bitch😢 Anyway, that's a story for another time.

Since I have been on break from university, I made my Instagram page to share my love for food and books. I recently created a YouTube channel where I post recipes too. If you want to check out my account, here's the link,

Currently, I teach Spanish to middle schoolers and work as a freelancer. I only know basic level Spanish since I was only able to learn it in my first year of uni.

I am a freelance beta reader, Spanish tutor, short story writer, editor and proofreader. I also help people promote their books on my Instagram and help them find arc readers.

If you need my help with any of the stuff that I mentioned above, please hit me up. I would love to help you out!

Meanwhile, if you want to check out my profile or the reviews for my services, here are the links:



Now, onto my boring ass life. I mostly like to read books, cook, bake, and dance—but only when I'm drunk(I am shy, please forgive me).

I know you're probably gonna call me weird but I never watched a single show until 2020. I used to only watch movies lol. But now if I like a show, I binge watch it so hard that it consumes my entire life and it's super scary but I ain't stopping now. I keep thinking about the show I'm watching and it's characters 24/7 until I find another one to obsess over. I blame my friends for forcing me to start watching em.

I've recently discovered that I love learning new languages and cultures. I might not know them fully but I like to learn whatever I can. I am currently learning Spanish and Turkish. I have recently become super obsessed with Turkish language, culture, songs, and shows. I was already in love with the Turkish cuisine a long time back but I'm expanding my research a little and finding more dishes to cook. I'm gonna be ranting all about it in a new blog dedicated to it.

I will also be uploading recipes from different cuisines and countries from all around the world!

I think I probably forgot to mention this before but I love traveling. Traveling all around the world is on my bucket list hehe. I have only been able to visit 9 countries until now but I hope this number changes soon. After the past 3 shitty years, I deserve to be able to travel again lol. My dad has been to more than 20 countries and I need to catch up with him soon.

I have always wanted to travel to Europe and that's one continent my dad hasn't visited either. Hopefully, we get to travel around Europe together super soon💖

The list of my dream countries was pretty small before but now it's huge af. I don't know where I'm gonna get all the money to travel but I'll do it. This girl ain't giving up yet😤

I love beaches but we don't have any where I live, so every time we plan a vacation, I force my parents to book a hotel near a beach and end up spending most of my free time there.

I even had a beach in my uni but you had to walk down 500 steps to reach it. Walking down was fun but coming back up was a whole ass pain and my fat ass couldn't climb those steps so often so I ended up not being able to go there all the time like I had planned.

What's a country that you really want to visit?

I'm a hopeless romantic and you'll always find me watching romance movies or shows and reading romance novels.

Oh, and I love day dreaming and creating fake scenario's all the time🙆

Like I said before, I am still learning how to blog and am pretty sure this one is all over the place but I couldn't figure out what to put and what not to put because everything I wrote has it's own story that I wanna tell you guys lol. Please forgive me for this mess. I'm probably gonna be cringing over this blog in a few months but I don't care, I'll just edit it at that time.

Also, please forgive my foul language:P

Let me know if we have anything in common or just introduce yourself if you want to.

I would love to get to know y'all!

See y'all soon with a new post!💖