✨My Birthday Wish✨
It's my birthday today and for the first time in my life, it feels like a pretty normal day to me. I usually start getting excited for it as soon as December starts but this time I didn't feel anything.
But why?
I've got two reasons for it.
The first one is because I feel old lol. I turned 24 and haven't even completed my undergrad yet. I feel like I am growing old but my life isn't moving forward. I am stuck and I don't know how to fix it. My friends are either getting married or are traveling with their friends but I can do neither of these things and I know it's my fault lol. I don't wanna marry unless I find the one for me and none of my good friends want to travel with me☹️. I am an absolute introvert, there's no way I can travel solo. I would probably get a panic attack and get lost in a new country.
The second reason is because of what's happening in Palestine. I have never been affected so badly by anything in my life but I can't seem to get over this. My day starts and ends with keeping up with it's news, talking and educating others about it.
My friend had asked me what I wanted as a gift on my birthday like two days ago and the first thing that came into my mind was, a free Palestine. I want the genocide to stop right now. I cannot watch the people suffer anymore.
I was so surprised how I didn't ask for anything for myself but for other people. I am aware that I am a little selfish so this thought definitely surprised me but made me super happy too. A free Palestine is the only gift I want this year. I will keep wishing for it until it comes true.
I find myself randomly crying while watching the videos from Gaza, begging god to stop the pain our Palestinian brothers and sisters are going through. I cry at night when I lie down in bed, feeling guilty about having food, a roof and a bed while the families in Palestine are suffering. I hear a plane or a helicopter fly over my home at night, fireworks going off during parties and festivals and flinch as I imagine what the Palestinian's feel every time they hear this sound around them, knowing it could kill them or their family any second.
This is the first time I have been so consumed by something. I can't seem to be happy or excited over anything ever since all of this started. I've always thought of myself as a selfish person. Maybe not super selfish, but definitely to an extent where it sometimes pisses my parents off but I am mostly selfish when it comes to food. Hence the reason I can never lose weight easily and keep crying about being fat lol.
But, I am willing to do anything I can to educate people around me and take action to stop this genocide. I am and will keep being their voice until the Palestinian's are free.
"It's free Falastin till its backwards motherfucker."
I am sorry for being super harsh about it but, if for any reason, you do not support them, aren't willing to boycott companies supporting this genocide, support Israel or aren't willing to educate yourself about the situation and don't care about the genocide happening because it doesn't involve or concern you in any way then I am sorry, you're absolutely evil and don't have a soul. You deserve what you might have coming for you because how the fuck can someone not be affected by watching innocent people die, children being killed or orphaned, people losing their family members, houses, limbs, are dying of hunger and diseases because there's not enough humanitarian aid for them.
In fact no human deserves to be treated as horribly as they are being treated when they haven't even done anything. Now don't come at me saying, 'but what about October 7th?'. Instead, try to educate yourself on the topic rather than listening to what the western media or random people say without any proof.
I still can't fathom the fact how someone can be so evil? That to only for the land and natural sources that belong to the other country? Who do you think you are and why do you think that you have the right to all of that stuff? I am just glad that I know karma is very real and cannot wait for the day it comes biting the people of Israel (not the good ones), Netanyahu and Biden in their ass.
Some people are like, 'oh but god promised that land to Israel'. God did not promise you anything, specially when it was never yours to begin with. The land you have to kill for is not yours, the land you die for is yours and it has already been proven. No god is okay with people killing others for a land so stop being delusional.
The hatred these people have for Palestinian's is unbelievable. The devil is probably a better creature than them. They do not deserve to be on this earth or to be called humans. I am so glad that some of the Israeli's are against this as well because they took the time researching about it all and chose the right side instead of blindly following what they were told.
"They Tried To Bury Us, They Didn't Know We Were Seeds"
I am so glad for the technology, social media and the Palestinian reporters who have opened our eyes and freed us from the shackles of the world politics. They are my heroes. I will be making a separate post in honour of them💖
Oh, and I got a question for those of you supporting Israel. Why are you supporting Israel?
You might not know everything but don't you wonder even a little bit about how strangers from all around the world are in support of Palestine? Why are pro Palestinian's larger in number than pro Israeli's? Do you not think that maybe you are on the wrong side or are you so arrogant that you believe the whole world is wrong and you're the only one who's right?
You should be ashamed of yourself.

For those who are doing everything they can to support Palestine or are willing to change their opinions, learn the history through internet, books, movies or any other resources so they can be on the right side of the history, I love you all💖 Thank you for making me believe that good people still exist in this world x
I have been educating others through my Bookstagram account and have joined the boycott movement. Sadly, there are no protests around me but I love watching the ones happening around the world on social media. Despite everything, watching the people around the world unite, protesting and raising their voices makes me so happy and gives me hope for a better future❤️
I really thought I wouldn't be able to boycott stuff but I honestly don't have the heart to buy Starbucks or McDonald's again. Those two were my favourite places but I cannot even look at them the same way anymore.
The other day I went to shopping and avoided all these places, bought coffee from a small business which was cheaper and so much more delicious than Starbucks. Do me a favour and support your local businesses instead of these big brands. All they care about is money but the local businesses appreciate your support, are cheaper and put all their love into their products. It's always so good hehe.
Before I end this post, I once again request all you lovely people to support Palestine as much as you can. Boycott Israeli products (gotta aim for what hurts them the most-money), educate others, donate to trusted organizations, support the artists who are speaking out for Gaza, unfollow the ones that are pro-genocide (I thought it would be hard to unfollow my absolute favourite celebs but nope, removed all of em. Can't even look at the m the same way anymore) and join your local protests!
Oh, also, I am neither a Palestinian nor do I belong to Islam or any Muslim community. I am a human being with a heart who knows what's wrong and what's right. Not that anybody's religion should matter in any situation but I have seen a lot of dumbasses trying to attack me by saying that I am only supporting Palestine because I am from there or belong to Islam. What if I did? I would still support them because I know that I am on the right side of the history. If you don't know, there are a shit ton of Jewish people who have their own brain and aren't brainwashed like you are who are against what Israel is doing so if they can condemn their own country, then why can't you?
Just because you don't know what to do to spread hate and fake propaganda, you go around attacking people through their religion and with zero knowledge. I love fighting with Pro-Israeli's in Instagram comments under Pro-Palestinian posts. I always end up having the last word because all they have are childish comebacks and when you ask them to prove their point, they cry about it or run away because they don't have any proof and stuff. I mean you see fifty Pro-Palestinian comments and for some reason your dumbass decides to comment on that post with Pro-Israeli shit, and when people call you out for your bullshit or try to educate you, you swear at them or try to bully them like little kids.
You should be embarrassed.
If anyone doesn't agree with me (only Pro-Israeli's, I love everyone supporting Palestine<3), wants to argue or has a question about anything, please feel free to comment down below, email me or DM me on Instagram. I will be happy to help ya out or educate you about this topic.
But, stop staying silent about it like the shitty people afraid of losing followers or a stupid brand deal and do your part, be their voice. They need you. Educate yourself and others around you.
See y'all soon with a new post!💚