My obsession with everything ✨Turkish✨

My obsession with everything ✨Turkish✨
Picture credits- Canva

Merhaba Çocuklar!✨

I am back with another post for y'all!

If you've read my introduction post, you know that I've been obsessed with the Turkish culture, cuisine, language, music, shows and basically everything. I have been learning Turkish as well and am really proud of myself for it lol.

Anyway, I watched my first Turkish show like 7 to 8 years ago when I was pretty young. I only watched it because my mum used to watch it, so I used to sit with her and watch it. The first Turkish show that I ever watched was Adını Feriha Koydum and I have mixed feelings about it because I loved the whole show but absolutely hated the ending.

I am someone who cannot stand sad endings. I only read and watch stories with happy endings because my life is already sad lol. I don't want to watch more sad stuff, I want happy endings and that's exactly what I had expected from that show but unfortunately it had a sad ending. So, if you're okay with it then you can definitely watch it because the story was good. I just hated the ending because after all the stuff they went through, they didn't deserve it.

The story of the show is basically about a girl named Feriha. She belongs to a poor family and lives with her mom, dad and 2 brothers in a small home in the basement of the building where her father works as a security guard. She gets a chance to go to a good university where all the rich people go. Her mom works as a housekeeper for a rich family and their daughter keeps throwing her expensive clothes out every few days. Feriha's mum keeps getting them for her, and she uses them to dress up as a rich kid to mix in with her university crowd.

Everything was going fine until she falls in love with a rich playboy who reciprocates her feelings and she ends up getting caught in her web of lies. Great drama, horrible ending, but if you're okay with sad endings, go ahead and watch it lol.

I made an online friend from Turkey and she tells me everything about their country, culture, shows, music, food and helps me get my facts right. She told me about how Turkish people love drama so there are a shit ton of shows with sad endings. She saves me from the heartbreak by only suggesting shows with happy endings to me lol. She's doing gods work, I love her.

Anyway, after watching Feriha, we watched Küçük Ağa (Little Lord) and I absolutely loved it. It was hilarious af and the main character was so cute! But I only loved it because of the kid, his parents and their drama pissed me off. The ending was absolutely shitty. I don't get why they gotta end such beautiful shows with tragedy?

A little while after that we watched Fatmagül'ün Suçu Ne? (What is Fatmagül's Fault?). I, to be very honest don't remember much about this show but it's based on heavy topics like rape which for me as a kid was a lot to handle. I liked the parts where there was romance but I think it was more serious for me and I don't really remember the ending. I might rewatch both these shows again and write about them from an adult's point of view. I wanna see how much my opinions have changed lol.

Moving on, I was scrolling through my reels feed a few months ago and came across a reel with a scene from Son Yaz (Last Summer). I found it super interesting and opened up the comments to see where this scene was from. After realizing that it was a Turkish show, I decided to watch it and I can't even tell you how addicted I had gotten to it. I have been watching Turkish shows ever since.

I also decided to learn the language. Like, I already wanted to learn different languages but never really took the step to learn them. I only know basic level Spanish and decided to learn it further but after watching this show, I started learning Turkish and am also learning Italian and Arabic (Arabic is so hard😭) along side.

Once I started learning the language, it made me want to know more about their culture, food, music, history and ever since then I have been researching about it all and my Turkish friend helps me out with everything! I have learnt so much and I keep learning new things everyday.

Now I really want to visit Turkey! My dad went on a business trip a few years ago and absolutely loved it. Someone please take me to Turkey with you, I don't wanna go alone😢

Anyway, I've had Turkish food before and there's this one place that my family loves, we go there at least 3-4 times a month to have Turkish food.

Now, I have had Shawarma in Dubai, Singapore, Canada and India but when I told my friend about it, she was super confused. After a while of exchanging pictures, she figured out what I was talking about and told me that it's called Döner in Turkey. I was shook but my dad confirmed it too. Like I never thought it could go by any other name since so many countries had the same name for the dish. We've only had limited Turkish food like Shawarma, Adana and Baklava but I researched about a lot more dishes and will be trying them out super soon.

I recently made Hamsi Tava which is a fried cornbreaded anchovy dish. It's super easy to make and tastes absolutely delicious. You can get the Hamsi Tava recipe here.

I had recently ordered some Baklava but it was too sweet for me and I told this to my friend. She then told me about cold baklava which is one of her favourites. I didn't even know something like that existed but it looks so good. She sent me a recipe for it and I will try to make it soon. If it turns out to be good, I'll upload the recipe on my blog!

Okay, so like I mentioned before, I watched Son Yaz and after it ended, I haven't stopped watching Turkish shows. They are so good😭💖

The only problem I find in them is how the ex's love drama and do not have any self respect. Like you see your ex man with a new girl and he is happy? Leave them alone. What do want from him? He doesn't love you but these bitches don't care, they'll do anything to sabotage the relationship so they can get back with the man. Like girl that is not love, that's just jealousy. Leave them alone and find someone else for yourself. They make my blood boil lol.

Not only the ex's but every girl ends up falling for the MMC, like why? You're just attracted to the guy and now you're competing with his girl for what? It absolutely pisses me off.

Even some of the mums in the show piss me off. Like I get it you don't like the girl your son is dating but he loves her. Just because you think their standards don't match and his ex was better doesn't mean you got the right to choose the girl for him. For gods sake, he's in a relationship and he's the one who's gotta live with her not you.

Other than this, there are some parts where they just skip a particular topic or completely avoid it like it doesn't exist. Sometimes they suddenly acknowledge it or sometimes just leave it like that and then some of the times it has a lot of time jumps.

But, like other than this stuff I love those shows and binge watch tf outta em. But that's such a bad habit because it's like I leave the real world and go into my fantasy world lol. I keep thinking about the character 24/7 and try to find ways to watch the show, even if it's only for 5 minutes. Half of the time I pretend that I need to use the washroom and take my laptop with me so I can watch the show peacefully. I usually stay up till 6:30am watching them which is such a bad habit but I can't stop😭 But honestly, I am going through a very shitty time in my life and these shows are the only reason I am surviving and have a lil bit of happiness left in my life.

I only watch the ones with happy endings, like I mentioned above. A lot of Turkish shows have sad endings and my friend told me it's because Turkish people like drama lol. So I ask her for suggestions and she always suggests the best shows.

Whatever shows I've watched until now were amazing and the acting of the actors was amazing as well but I am always shook when it comes to the main couple because their chemistry is so fucking strong that it feels like they're in love in real life too. I want that kind of love and these fictional characters are the reason I have high standards and am still single lol.

Anyway, the final conclusion of this post is that y'all should watch Turkish shows as well!

I will be posting some reviews and rants about the ones I have already watched so make sure you subscribe to my blog to keep up with my posts.

And if you got any shows that you're obsessed with lemme know! Make sure they have a happy ending though hehe.

Until next time x

See y'all soon with a new post!💝